Generate your accounting entries with the Accounting Interface
Thanks to the Accounting Interface option and the connection of your management software, you can generate and export your accounting entries easily from Cegid Allmybanks. You optimize the management of your finances by automating accounting processes and avoiding manual entry errors.
Generation of accounting entries with the accounting interface
The accounting interface module prevents duplicate entries in your accounting process.
Generate your accounting entries and their counterparts (including VAT or other taxes), based on:
- Your account statements
- The Cegid Allmybanks treasury modules (intercompany balancing, capital gains on mutual funds, and interest and bank charges)
Export your accounting entries according to the format required by your accounting software (in text formats with separators or fixed lengths)
Cancel your accounting entries if necessary (generates a cancellation file)
Reliability and security of payments with FTP-Bank
End-to-end security
Automation of bank deposits
Duplicate entries deleted
Accounting entries can be exported by date range or transaction type. The entries generated are marked within a data export batch to prevent the integrated data from being sent multiple times.